Microfiber Bath Towels

Microfiber Bath Towels

Microfiber bath towels are on the rise around the world. As a synthetic product, if they do contain cotton, it’s only in a small amount. Could these towels replace traditional cotton towels?

Microfiber Bath Towels – Summary


Hotels, Motels, Rental Homes


Because these towels contain little to no actual cotton the rating is low!


These towels are amazingly absorbent as engineers have perfected this quality.


Because they are synthetically made, these towels can be a great value.


If you like a thick, soft towel these will leave you wanting more.


Very short due to the thin fibers they are constructed with.


Very tough, very long lasting.

Microfiber Bath Towels


  • Very absorbent
  • Very durable


  • Feel thin and cheap
  • Not ideal for everyday use

Overall Rating:

Product Recommendations – Microfiber Bath Towels

Best of the Best


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Best Value


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When microfibers are used to produce a bath towel the result is a very absorbent and durable towel, but don’t be fooled into thinking there is any cotton anywhere to be found (if there is, it’s a small percent… read the label to be sure).

When compared to cotton towels, microfiber bath towels can keep pace when it comes to absorption and durability but fall woefully short on the fronts of thickness, luxury, and comfort. 

Microfiber Bath Towels

  • Origin
    • No specific origin as these towels are made of synthetic fiber from manufacturers around the world
  • Cotton Characteristics
    • Little to none (read the label)! Microfiber towels are typically made of strands of polyester and/or nylon
  • Towel Construction
    • Many tiny strands of polyester and/or nylon
  • Absorption
    • Extremely high
  • Drying Time
    • Short due to the thin nature of the fibers
  • Durability
    • Very tough and very long-lasting

vs The Competiton

vs. Turkish

  • More absorbent
  • Much thinner
  • Less of a luxurious feel

vs. Pima / Supima

  • Similar absorption
  • Much thinner
  • Easier to dry
  • Not nearly as plush and spa-like in feel

Want to learn more?

Interested in becoming a bath towel aficionado? We’ve got you covered with dozens of bath towels articles here.

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