Best Toddlers Bath Towels

Best Toddlers Bath Towels

Picking the best toddlers bath towels

Oh to be a simple child again wrapped in the best toddlers bath towels from home. Don’t we all have great childhood memories of being a toddler splashing in a bubble bath? The only thing better was getting out and being wrapped in both a fresh towel and our mama’s arms.These days picking the best toddlers bath towels can be somewhat trick with all of the products on the market. Never fear, we’re here to help with some advice and recommendations to make the whole process a breeze.

How to pick the best toddlers bath towels

Step 1: Select a material

Whether you’re picking towels for a toddler or an adult, the starting point is always the same – what material will you use? Are you only willing to go with 100% cotton towels (highly recommended!) or are you willing to consider an alternative to save some money and, perhaps, get better performance out of the towel. We’ve written extensively on the 5 material types available for you to choose from. As a starting point, we suggest you spend some time learning more about them. 

The 5 Towel Materials & How to Choose


Luxury Dry Time Cost Learn More
Turkish Cotton



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Egyptian Cotton



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Pima Cotton



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Organic Cotton



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Step 2: Select a style

For toddler bath towels style is EVERYTHING. Before you say, “My child doesn’t know anything about style” we would challenge you to show him or her a few options. For example, do you think your little girl would prefer a nice plain beige towel or a hooded pink princess towel. And how about your little boy? A stock white number, of one with firetrucks driving all over it? Which of these will bring excitement (and motivation!) to bath time?For every toddler there is a towel – ballerinas, monsters, bugs, frogs, the list goes on. Below we will attempt to point you in the right direction to find the perfect fit for your children.

Step 3: Pick your perfect towel

So that’s it! Pair your material selection with your style selection and you’re well on your way to picking the perfect towel for your toddler.As a shortcut, we’ve included some Amazon bestsellers below that just may fit the bill perfectly.

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Want to learn more?

Interested in becoming a bath towel aficionado? We’ve got you covered with dozens of bath towels articles here.

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